Celebrating Rimu Marketing’s 6th birthday!

What a difference a day makes! Well in this case a year. I was taking a moment to reflect on past birthday celebrations, whilst planning what I would do to mark Rimu Marketing’s 6th Birthday. Each of the previous years has been slightly different. Last year was definitely the highlight and something special, when we…

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Celebrating Rimu Marketing’s 5th birthday

As the song says “Oh what a night”! On Thursday 25th April about 40 guests joined together to celebrate Rimu Marketing’s 5th birthday. A charity fund raising network event in aid of Smart Works Reading, hosted at the brilliant Roof Space at Brand Potential. The venue was perfect, decorated and all set to host an…

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Rimu Marketing’s 5th Birthday Celebrations!

This month we celebrate Rimu Marketing’s 5th birthday! Over the last few years we have been on quite a journey, to take us from our humble beginnings; to more recently working with an amazing selection of businesses including: an IT company, a Boutique Hotel, Coaches, Interior Designers, Health businesses and even a Canine Dog Massage…

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Getting the most out of your Event Marketing

We are delighted to welcome our new team member Christina Haigh.  In her first blog for us she explains why we should be considering event marketing into the mix as a way to connect with our target audience.  Here is what she had to say: With smartphones, tablets in regular use and WIFI in every…

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Laptop Monday – Launches in Windsor!

When I left the corporate world I was surprised to discover that I loved working for myself.  I love the diversity of work – no one there to tell me I could not do something as it was not part of my job description.  I loved the flexibility which it gave me, so I could…

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