The Benefits Of Working With A Marketing Consultant

Tuesday 9 July was a good day, jam packed full of learning, networking and discussions about all things marketing. I was fortunate to attend the 16th CIM Digital Conference just outside of Cambridge at the Duxford War Museum. Now as a secret plane spotter this event caught my eye, not just for the insight and…

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Celebrating RIMU Marketing’s 10th Birthday

Over the last ten years, RIMU Marketing has gone from strength to strength. The brand story is a fairly familiar one. I initially set up the business to have a flexible working solution around my young family but I soon realised that establishing the business was one of the best decisions I made for my…

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8 Things You Need To Know About Website Design

In today’s digital world your website is your virtual shop front that enables your customers to find out more about your business, purchase products or engage with your services.  There are often key reasons why small business owners may choose to review their website, declining visitor numbers, slow website or broken pages are some key ones.  Once…

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6 Ways To Streamline Your Small Business Marketing

This month, 15-21 May, is Mental Health Awareness Week, and this year the focus is on anxiety. Anxiety is a normal emotion which can sometimes spiral out of control. Many things can trigger anxiety, perhaps in response to a change in circumstances at home, such as having a baby, setting up a small business or…

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8 Most Frequently Asked Email Marketing Questions

This month we are focusing on email marketing.  Earlier this year, we conducted some research to understand more about some of the challenges our small business audience was facing this year.  Not surprisingly, there were some great questions in there like:  “How do I find more clients?”, “How do I increase my visibility?” and “Where do I focus…

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2023 Content Planning

I cannot believe that we are already starting to think about 2023 content planning, but it is a topic which has cropped in conversation with my clients over the last few weeks. With just 75 days until Christmas (at time of writing), it might seem a little early to start planning for 2023, but there…

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