8 Things You Need To Know About Website Design

In today’s digital world your website is your virtual shop front that enables your customers to find out more about your business, purchase products or engage with your services.  There are often key reasons why small business owners may choose to review their website, declining visitor numbers, slow website or broken pages are some key ones.  Once…

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The Dark Art of SEO

What is SEO? SEO stands for Search Engine Optimisation. In a nutshell, this means working to ensure that your website, content and profile are highly ranked on search engines such as Bing, Yahoo, and most importantly, our dark overlord, Google.  Some social media sites such as YouTube and Instagram have similar algorithms and might well…

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Why client testimonials & reviews help to build brand trust.

Across many marketing channels in today’s digital world, we talk about client testimonials or reviews. Often a positive review can help you to sell more of your product or service, offering an unbiased perspective of your product (assuming they are genuine, but that is a different conversation). In this month’s blog we wish to explore:…

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Website Platforms – A brief review

When we start to work with a new client, often the first thing we consider is their website – Does it accurately explain what they do? Does it have the best customer journey? A website these days is a key marketing hub, especially for a small business – think of it as your shop window.…

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The shop window to your business

This month, we are delighted to welcome our guest blog writer, Joanne Howe, Creative Copywriter from www.joannehowe.com who will talk to us a little more about the importance of having great website content.  Read on to discover what Jo has to say . .  Have you ever walked along the high street, been drawn to a striking…

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