2023 Content Planning

I cannot believe that we are already starting to think about 2023 content planning, but it is a topic which has cropped in conversation with my clients over the last few weeks. With just 75 days until Christmas (at time of writing), it might seem a little early to start planning for 2023, but there…

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Is it time for a Marketing Strategy Review?

I can’t quite believe we are already in June – it feels like only yesterday that 2022 was lying ahead of us and we were discussing putting together a marketing strategy for the year ahead. Whilst summer is here at long last and post-lockdown life has returned to somewhat normal (with a few bumps along…

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Back to school – focusing on Q4 marketing planning

September always feels like a new, fresh start to me.  I think that even now, I still remember that back to school feeling, I loved the feeling of freshness and excitement of choosing a new pencil case, notebooks and pens! Now is the perfect time to start to focus on your Q4 marketing planning, to put…

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Six Valentine’s Day Marketing Ideas

As Valentine’s Day approaches many product based businesses will be thinking about their marketing campaigns. Whilst this year is undoubtably different, we wanted to share with our our six valentine’s day marketing ideas. Before you make a start, it is wise to consider what you are trying to achieve with your campaign? Define what success…

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How to build your social media strategy

There are many ways you can connect with your ideal client and in recent years social media has become one of the best and most cost-effective ways for small businesses to achieve this. Defining your social media strategy and considering how it works alongside your other marketing activity is really important. What is a social…

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Seasonal Marketing Campaigns – 6 tips to get you started

There is always a lot going on in the last quarter of the year. In a content driven digital market place it is the perfect time for small business owners to consider a seasonal marketing campaign. A seasonal marketing campaign can present a great opportunity and reason to engage with clients and potential clients. However,…

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