Your marketing strategy is the start point of all marketing and what makes marketing work, or not. Often people think that marketing is an interesting leaflet or an engaging email, the thought that goes into the creative beforehand is what really counts.
Why do I need a Marketing Strategy?
So many of my clients ask me “Why should you have a marketing strategy?” My response is why would you not? Not only is it essential to oraganise your marketing approach, decide what you are going to do, where you focus and but it can also save you money as it will help guide your creative and media choices.

Whilst there is more to it we will typically work through:
Business objectives: What are you trying to achieve?
Target audience: Defining who they are and their pain points, is critical and will influence all of your marketing.
Understand the business environment: What kind of market is your business operating in? What do you need to be aware of?
Past successes: Reflect on what marketing has worked or not worked for you in the past? We would then understand why?
Content planning: Key in today’s digital world we will also consider what kind of content we should share to engage with your audience.