What’s the point of a Small Business Marketing Plan?

By Christina Haigh, Freelance Marketing Consultant When we meet with small business owners there are often two key questions which are often asked. The first question is, do I need a small business marketing plan? Isn’t that something that only large organisations can afford. The answer to the first question is, no all businesses should…

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The Power of Radio Marketing!

On Friday 6 April I was delighted to join Melissa Gale on the Marlow FM Biz Buzz programme. This got me thinking, about the future of more traditional forms of media such as press advertising, TV, radio and outdoor eg: billboards and bus stops, etc.  When I first qualified with the CIM on my marketing…

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Understanding your marketing plan!

January is the perfect time to review your business performance and think about what you would like to achieve in 2018.  There are a couple of key tools that we would like to look at to help you achieve this, your marketing strategy and marketing plan.  So how does your marketing strategy and plan work…

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9 Essential Small Business 2018 Marketing Trends!

January is without doubt a time for new beginnings, thinking about what you would like to achieve in the year ahead; but also a time for reflection, thinking about how your business performed in 2017.  Understanding what small business 2018 marketing trends are coming up and how they may influence your business will be really…

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