What Is Direct Marketing?

In May we mark Mental Health Awareness month (w/c 13 May), one of the key dates in the wellbeing calendar. I note this because there is increasing pressure on many to do more, with less time and less resources, the marketing industry is also feeling this pressure. It is important to continually focus on self-care,…

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What is customer retention marketing?

We have started to work on our 2023 marketing plans with many of our clients this month. As part of these discussions there seems to have been a reoccurring theme around how they engage with their current clients, it got me thinking. Our conversations reminded me that this area of marketing (customer retention) really is…

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Email marketing – a guide for small businesses

I recently had an interesting conversation with a small business owner, who did not want to bother with email marketing and did not understand the value. It was an interesting view and one that confused me slightly. Email marketing for small businesses is like a gift and in our “Email marketing – a guide for…

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GDPR – 2 years on!

Its nearly 2 years ago since the new GDPR regulations came into force on 25th May 2018. We were delighted that Louise Hickman from Trusted Compliance Solutions was able to update us on where we have got to and how things have changed over the last 2 years – thank you Louise for the guest…

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Direct marketing – is it dead in a digital world?

This is an interesting question and a conversation I often have with my clients. Is direct marketing still a valid route to market? What results could you expect? I would argue yes. In a digital age where we find ourselves bombarded with messages on a daily basis via email, ads and our social media channels,…

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Build a customer loyalty programme for your small business

It is often cited that to acquire new customers it can be as much as 10 times more expensive vs engaging with your existing customers.  So with this in mind it is important to consider, as a small business owner or start-up, how to focus on keeping your existing clients happy and reward them.  Of course it…

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