8 Things You Need To Know About Website Design

In today’s digital world your website is your virtual shop front that enables your customers to find out more about your business, purchase products or engage with your services.  There are often key reasons why small business owners may choose to review their website, declining visitor numbers, slow website or broken pages are some key ones.  Once…

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5 Steps To Reset Your Marketing Strategy This Autumn

September always has that back to school feeling and a sense of new beginnings. As we return from our summer adventures, refreshed, it feels like the right time to re-focus on our small businesses with renewed energy. This year with the media talking about the impact of an economic downturn it feels like now, more…

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Client Case Study – NRAS

At RIMU Marketing, we enjoy working with a broad range of inspirational small businesses to help them establish a solid marketing platform from which to grow.  We work across various sectors, including charities, sports, coaches, hospitality and wellbeing specialists. With this in mind, we wanted to share a client case study with an amazing local charity,…

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IT Guidance For Small Business Owners

This month we are delighted that Andy Steer from Vividly Simple has agreed to write a guest blog for us, sharing some great IT guidance for small business owners when considering expansion plans. Thank you for your words of wisdom, Andy. Here is what he had to say . . . A familiar story .…

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Celebrating RIMU Marketing’s 9th Birthday!

“Gratitude will shift you to a higher frequency and you will attract much better things.” Rhonda Byrne I cannot believe we are reaching another business milestone, this year, RIMU Marketing celebrates our 9th business birthday. The RIMU Marketing journey started all those years ago with a chance conversation with a friend who was unsure how…

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8 Most Frequently Asked Email Marketing Questions

This month we are focusing on email marketing.  Earlier this year, we conducted some research to understand more about some of the challenges our small business audience was facing this year.  Not surprisingly, there were some great questions in there like:  “How do I find more clients?”, “How do I increase my visibility?” and “Where do I focus…

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