Client Case Study: Guardian Technologies

At Rimu Marketing we work with a number of inspirational small businesses across a diverse range of sectors. We wanted to share a recent client case study to illustrate some of the projects we have worked on recently with one of our clients, Guardian Technologies.  We have worked with Guardian Technologies for about 18-months and the business has gone from strength to strength.

About the Business:

Guardian Technologies is an IT consultancy and training business, based down in Southampton, Hampshire. With over 30 yrs of experience in the IT sector, they focus on information security, helping businesses to manage their information risk and source the right technology to protect sensitive information wherever it goes.  If you share sensitive information with third parties or need to ensure only the specific recipient can access it, then they work with leading solutions to make it happen.


We started to work with Rupert and the team in November 2016 and we have been on a transformational journey ever since then.

Our Challenges:

When we started to work together the team needed to build their brand awareness and marketing channels to enable them to connect with their ideal clients.  Our start point was to build our marketing strategy and start to establish our harvest media channels which included updating the website; establishing an email base; engaging with the email base and establishing their social media channels.

  • Marketing Strategy: We worked with Rupert to write the marketing strategy, content and marketing plan, defining the business objectives, target audience and content focus. This process is great for helping the business owner and key stakeholders to understand what they are doing, why they are doing it and more importantly what success looks like.
  • Website Build:We worked to re-fresh and update the website in association with our website partner Avidmode, not only visually but by conducting SEO research to work more effectively to generate business and leads.  My involvement was the project management, copy writing and sourcing of images.  An effective website is key to business success in today’s digital market place.
  • Blog: We have also started to write a monthly blog and in 2018 this has increased to fortnightly.  This is important as it not only does this support the website SEO (Search Engine Optimisation), but conveys more information to the target audience about the business and how they can help.
  • Email Marketing: Through email marketing Guardian Technologies has continued to connect regularly with their client base, reminding them that they are there and how they can help. The open and click through rates are now achieving the industry benchmark standards.
  • Re-brand: In line with the changes in the business, we updated and refreshed the branding at the end of 2017, updating their positioning to reflect where their business had moved to.

In support of the above we have also stated to build and engage with our social media audiences in both Linked in and Twitter, although due to time limitations we have not been able to spend as much time on this as anticipated.

Creative example of the new Guardian Technologies website, with the new branding:

Guardian Technologies

Creative Example of the new branding, our GDPR flyer.

Guardian Technologies - GDPR Check List

The Results:  

Guardian Technologies have come a long way since we started to work together in Q4 of 2016.  In 2017 we achieved a huge amount which included.

  • Generating significant revenue growth, which has resulted in us planning for ambitious growth targets of over 100% for 2018.
  • Building relationships with key partners and the Chamber of Commerce by attending a partner event in June at Olympia; joint marketing activity which resulted in our Managing Director speaking at two Hampshire Chamber of Commerce events in September and February.
  • Achieved our marketing objectives by updating our website in January 17; updating our SEO in January 18; wrote and deployed monthly blogs; delivered at least 16 emails achieving the industry benchmark; set up our Twitter account; Featured in 2 editorials in the Chamber magazine; delivered 2x GDPR webinars and implemented a lead generation project.
  • We also completed a re-brand at the end of Q4 2017.

The success for Guardian Technologies has been a testament on how when the team works together great things can be achieved.  Congratulations to Rupert and the team in all of their achievements!

What happens next?

As a result of the great work the team has put in, in 2017, there are more exciting projects on the horizon for 2018.  Guardian Technologies have also established a strategic alliance with TECHNEDs an investment firm, this partnership will enable them to achieve even greater things in 2018.  We are delighted to have just launched our marketing campaign with key partner Lepide, to discover more please click here.  We are pleased to continuing to be working with Guardian Technologies on their exciting journey, this is their year. Watch this space as great things will be happening! 

Client Quote:  

“Sophie has transformed our market presence with increased awareness and opportunity generation. In addition we have grown professionally as a business through our marketing.“

Rupert Beeby, Managing Director, Guardian Technologies

If you would like to discover how the team at Rimu Marketing can help your business to flourish, please get in touch to arrange your FREE 60-minute consultation.

Sophie Comas

A highly successful self-motivated and results driven, senior marketing professional. My passion lies within developing and delivering marketing solutions which make a difference in today's complex digital market place. A marketeer with a strong academic background and broad ranging level of experience working with small businesses and in the travel and hospitality sector, across the Thames Valley, I love a challenge!

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