How could PR help get your business on track for 2015!

It is that time of year where you start to think about the successes you have had over the year and what happens in 2015. Whilst there is lots of focus on social media, content generation and digital marketing, PR is definitely one of the key traditional marketing tools key tools to help promote your business. Cathy Bussey in “Brilliant PR” defines “PR or Public Relations is the art of presenting a company or person to the public, usually via the media, ideally in a positive manner that improves the reputation of that company or person. . . .”.

To share with you Top 5 things to think about for building your PR strategy:

  1. When planning your PR strategy, it is key to decide in advance what your brand stands for, what key messages and values do you wish to convey to your target audience, once you are clear on this it makes it much easier.
  1. You cannot control what is written about you (outside of the press release), this is the key difference between PR and advertising. Think of the key figures in the public eye who you clearly know what they stand for eg: Tony Blair, Richard Branson, etc.
  1. Identify your key media contacts and build relationships with them. This is undoubtedly the most important element of your PR work, so it is key to be helpful and supportive.  It is also key to provide a hook to grab their attention, this could be as an offer or launching something New.
  1. The real work will come in with the follow up on any communication to get this through to going to print.
  1. Enjoy! As with all areas of marketing it is a fun and creative discipline, have a play around with what does and does not work for your business.

If you do need some marketing help, support or guidance then Sophie from Rimu Marketing is dedicated to helping small to medium size businesses in kick starting their marketing campaigns.  To discover more about how we might be able to help you business build their PR strategy, drafting a press release or following up with key media contacts please CLICK HERE or to arrange your initial no obligation consultation please CLICK HERE.

We look forward to working with you and seeing your business flourish!

Sources: Chartered Institute of Marketing and “Brilliant PR” by Cathy Bussey

Sophie Comas

A highly successful self-motivated and results driven, senior marketing professional. My passion lies within developing and delivering marketing solutions which make a difference in today's complex digital market place. A marketeer with a strong academic background and broad ranging level of experience working with small businesses and in the travel and hospitality sector, across the Thames Valley, I love a challenge!

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