Time to focus on 2015 Marketing Planning

By Sophie Comas / January 10, 2015

Happy new year! Life is now returning to normal post all of the Christmas and new year festivities.  January is a great time of new beginnings, fresh thinking and 2015 marketing planning.  Somehow in the bleak January days we resolve to do something differently to tick off a couple of things from our bucket list…

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How could PR help get your business on track for 2015!

By Sophie Comas / November 19, 2014

It is that time of year where you start to think about the successes you have had over the year and what happens in 2015. Whilst there is lots of focus on social media, content generation and digital marketing, PR is definitely one of the key traditional marketing tools key tools to help promote your…

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New year! 2015 Marketing Planning

By Sophie Comas / October 31, 2014

The new year is a great time to start the marketing planning as a small business owner.  It is the perfect time to review how your business is performing and understand what if any changes do you need to make to make your marketing for the year ahead. Do you need to get your Marketing…

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Use Email Marketing to connect with your clients!

By Sophie Comas / October 12, 2014

All forms of marketing have their place to play in growing and building your business, social media seems to be today’s buzz word but building an ongoing relationship with your clients is key.  Email marketing is not only one of the best ways to build a relationship with your clients but also is one of…

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Social media as a small business marketing tool

By Sophie Comas / September 13, 2014

Social media now seems to be the buzz-word of any small business and as a marketing tool it certainly has a role to play along side its more traditional forms of communication to your target audience such as email marketing, advertising or PR. I can understand the appeal but the time cost that it takes…

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Small business marketing plan – how to get started!

By Sophie Comas / August 13, 2014

August is traditionally a quieter work month with lots of clients away on holiday.  So with this in mind why not take some time to work on understanding your small business marketing?  Let’s start at the beginning, with the marketing plan. How has this worked for you so far this year? The best approach to…

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