Client Case Study: Revolutions Fit

At RIMU Marketing we enjoy working with a broad range of inspirational small business owners, to help them establish a solid marketing platform, from which to grow their business.  We work across a diverse range of sectors including personal trainers, sports and wellbeing specialists.

With this in mind we wanted to share a recent client case study with Sara McDonnell from Revolutions Fit.  Sara set up her business in February 2019 and has a brilliant story to share, on how she survived lockdown taking her business from strength to strength.  There is no doubt that the last 18-months have been challenging for many and Sara has been a shining example of how with resilience and determination you can achieve anything.

About the Business:

Sara from Revolutions Fit is an amazing personal trainer, who works with her clients of all sizes and abilities to help them achieve their fitness goals.  When Sara starts to work with a new clients she first takes time to understand their current ability and what their fitness goals might be.  Once she has a clear understanding of what they are trying to achieve, she then builds a bespoke programme for them, working on anything from injury rehabilitation, general fitness to pre or postnatal exercises. Sara has refined her proposition over the last two-years and is keen to work with her clients, not just to “lose weight” but to help real people fall in love with exercise.


I started to work with Sara in October 2019, and we have achieved a huge amount since then.  Sara had just launched her business and was keen to grow, she wanted to focus on her marketing and recognised the importance that this focus would bring in achieving her ambitions.  With the obvious COVID-19 challenges over the last 18-months, at a time when many gave up, Sara successfully pivoted her business to work online.  The result of this has not only earned her customer loyalty and business success, but she also supported her clients at a time when they needed it most, by boosting their mental wellbeing.

Client case study - personal trainer

Our Challenges

When we started to work together Sara was at the beginning of her business journey.  We needed to build a strong marketing platform, that she was proud of, to enable her to establish her business and generate a strong pipeline of clients.  With so many personal trainers out there, Sara was also keen to hone her proposition to find a direction that made her stand out and was authentic to her.

Marketing Strategy: We started at the beginning, working together to write the business marketing strategy, content and marketing plan, so we were clear on the direction the business was taking and what Sara wanted to achieve. As part of this process we defined the business objectives, target audience and content amongst other things. This process is a big piece of work which requires investment, it is great to help the business owner to clarify what they are doing, to keep on track and most importantly understand what success looks like.

Marketing Activity: With the objective of building a solid client base we started to work on implementing regular communication through blogs, social media and email marketing.  This helped establish Sara and enabled her to regularly engage with her clients.  This process also helped Sara to hone her proposition and define her new direction and approach.  Sara started to become clear that she wanted to move away from clients who just wanted to focus on weight loss or saw fitness as something to tick off your “to do list”; and work with clients to provide health and fitness solutions for everyBODY. 

Website Build: In September 2020 we started the website project, looking at how we could evolve the existing marketing platform for Revolutions Fit.  It is really important to ensure that your website is reflective of your business and with Sara’s new found clarity on direction, it felt like the right time to look at this project.  We worked with one of our RIMU Marketing Associates – Sero Digital who are a website design agency based in Maidenhead.  Their brief was to reflect Sara’s new business focus, providing her with a solid marketing platform.  An effective website is an essential part of successful marketing and key to business growth in today’s digital market place, we worked as a team to build the site that you see today.


We have continued to implement regular blog, newsletter and social media activity over the last two years.  As well as running free challenges and engaging in the Advantage Card programme, both of which has created great results (120% increase in email marketing audience figures).  Over the last two years, the business has grown tremendously, with client capacity at 100% and a strong pipeline of new customers.  The business revenue has increased 37% YOY, impressive results, despite the obvious challenges of COVID-19. Sara and the business has some exciting projects on the horizon and continues to go from strength to strength.

Personal training

What happens next?

We have implemented some great marketing foundations, congratulations to Sara in all of her achievements so far.  There are lots of great things on the horizon for Sara and Revolutions Fit, to keep in touch with Revolutions Fit please CLICK HERE.

Client Testimonial

“Working with Sophie has not only transformed my business financially; it has been a huge weight off my shoulders. When I remember back to the time before I worked with RIMU I really worried about how to find clients – I just had no idea how to market myself successfully. My online and social media presence was erratic and untargeted. 

Sophie has helped me develop my offering and my brand, so now I stand out amongst the competition. We have created a pipeline of potential clients that has translated into a really steady flow of new clients – to the point where I’ve had to start a waiting list! 

I know I’m in really safe hands with Sophie and RIMU and I love where we have been able to take my business too. Sophie is not only a great marketeer; she has coached me through my business as it grows and holds me accountable to my goals and aspirations.

It can be really lonely in a single person business, but I know with Sophie at the end of a phone I’m not on my own, on my journey.”

Sara Mc Donnell – Personal Trainer, Revolutions Fit.

If you would like some help in kick staring your business or you have a marketing challenge, we would love to hear from you. To arrange your no obligation discover call please do get in touch!

Sophie Comas

A highly successful self-motivated and results driven, senior marketing professional. My passion lies within developing and delivering marketing solutions which make a difference in today's complex digital market place. A marketeer with a strong academic background and broad ranging level of experience working with small businesses and in the travel and hospitality sector, across the Thames Valley, I love a challenge!


  1. Gem Koeman on August 31, 2021 at 9:30 am

    Loved reading this case study Sophie and the testimonial from Sara is brilliant.

    Great to see another small business feeling supported through marketing!

    – Gem

    • Sophie Comas on August 31, 2021 at 11:56 am

      Thank you Gemma – I am pleased that you enjoyed reading the case study ; – )

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