Choosing the right social media platform for your business

In today’s digital world social media forms a key part of the marketing toolkit, used by many to help promote their small business, engage with their target audience and sell their product or service. There are many different social media platforms, all with their own unique benefits to choose from. It is important to choose…

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How to build your social media strategy

There are many ways you can connect with your ideal client and in recent years social media has become one of the best and most cost-effective ways for small businesses to achieve this. Defining your social media strategy and considering how it works alongside your other marketing activity is really important. What is a social…

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Recent updates to Facebook!

It is without question that Facebook is a key tool for many small businesses, with over 80m SME businesess currently using the social media network giant, it must be working. But, things are changing. Throughout 2018 we have seen Facebook hit the news more frequently with concerns over the way they handle their client data…

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9 Essential Small Business 2018 Marketing Trends!

January is without doubt a time for new beginnings, thinking about what you would like to achieve in the year ahead; but also a time for reflection, thinking about how your business performed in 2017.  Understanding what small business 2018 marketing trends are coming up and how they may influence your business will be really…

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How to spring clean your social media!

Spring is sprung, and there is a definite warmth to the air (although you might not believe it with the rain over the last few days).  As with all things why not take the opportunity to spring clean your social media channels?  So what do I mean with this?  Well it is always a good…

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How to measure marketing success

I had an interesting conversation with a client recently, they were a numbers person, and wanted to truly understand the impact that their marketing investment gave them.  This is a great question and one that has inspired me to write this article about the tools you can use to measure your marketing success. In truth it…

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